22. 8. 2023

Kanadski black metalci Dismal Aura predstavljajo besedilni video za skladbo Les Allumettières, ki je prvi single s prihajajočega albuma Imperium Mortalia. Ta bo njihov drugi studijski album po vrsti in izide 29. septembra pri Avantgarde Music. Tracklista:

Blood Quantum
Les Allumettières
One Path, Many Voices
Essence of Petrichor
…And Their Blood Shall Be Upon Them
Weaponizing Human Suffering
The Orphan Source
Beyond Necropolitics

20. 7. 2023

Takšna je časovnica jutrišnjega koncerta Possessed v zagrebškem klubu Močvara:

18.00 vrata
18.30–19.00 Matt Miller
19.15–19.45 Stoic Suffering
20.00–20.30 Serpentslain
20.45–21.15 Bezdan
21.30–22.00 Vapor
22.30–23.45 Possessed

17. 7. 2023
Znane so vse predskupine petkovega nastopa Possessed v Zagrebu. Poleg že znanih hrvaških zasedb Bezdan in Serpentslain bodo nastopili še Vapor, Stoic Suffering in Matt Miller.

30. 6. 2023

Ameriški grindcorovci Organ Dealer predstavljajo komada Daily Existence in Misdirected Suffering s prihajajočega albuma The Weight Of Being, ki izide 28. julija pri založbi Everlasting Spew Records.

12. 6. 2023

Grški melodični death metalci AmongRuins so posneli besedilni videospot za pesem Tear Me Apart, ki je del njihovega prihajajočega albuma Land of the Black Sun. Ta bo vseboval osem komadov:

Tear Me Apart
End of My Fall
Shattered Times
Our Destructive Tide
Wells of War
Suffer for Credence
Forever the Signs
Land of the Black Sun

6. 6. 2023

Belgijski death metalci Carnation sporočajo, da bo 3. novembra pri Season Of Mist izšel najnovejši dolgometražec Cursed Mortality. Album bo zajemal naslednje komade:

Herald of Demise
Submerged in Deafening Silence
Cycle of Suffering
Cursed Mortality

5. 6. 2023

Zaradi slabega zdravstvenega stanja dveh članov banda je julijski nastop Suffocation v Zagrebu odpovedan. V nadaljevanju lahko preberete celotno objavo za javnost:

»It is with deep regret that we have to announce the cancellation of our Summer June/July 2023 tour scheduled within Europe/UK. As you may know we previously toured Europe last month and during this tour a few members of the band suffered extreme physical strain resulting in injuries preventing us from returning back to the area less than a month from our previous tour.

Although it's never our intention to cancel any tour the health of our bandmates is key for continuing forward into the rest of the year and it's required that these members rest accordingly and recover from their injuries sustained during this tour. The physical strain that touring takes on the bodies of musicians manifests itself in many ways that are out of our control.

We have a lot in the works for the remainder of the year including writing and completing our new album and we look forward to returning to one of our favorite territories and fans in the EU/UK bringing you Suffocation at full strength, blazing and cranking alongside you all.

As you all know, Suffocation puts their all into our live show and we want to make sure fans get our all moving forward. Health and safety is our number one priority to ensure that we can bring it for you guys for the remainder of 2023 and beyond.«

Vračilo kart je možno od danes dalje v trgovini Dirty Old Shop.

29. 5. 2023

Metalcore/punk/hardcore/death metal zasedba As We Suffer za 9. junij napoveduje digitalno izdajo svojega debitantskega albuma The Fallen Pillars. Na voljo za poslušanje je že naslovni komad.

10. 5. 2023

Metalcorovci State Of Deceit sporočajo, da so podpisali z založbo Eclipse Records. Plod sodelovanja bo v obliki dolgometražca luč sveta ugledal jeseni. Album z naslovom Stalked by Daemons izide 13. oktobra in bo zajemal naslednje komade:

Endure My Fate
Stalked by Daemons, Guarded by Angels
Hate Within
Mark of the Whale
Suffer Me
At What Cost?
Digital Tattoo

24. 4. 2023

Smrt je mlada slovenska death metal zasedba, ki je bila ustanovljena leta 2017, in od takrat izdala dva EP-ja, live album in celovečerec Oppression from All Suffering. Zasedba s svojo glasbo vnaša dosti svežine v slovenski metalski prostor, zato smo ji na našem portalu nedavno posvetili nekaj pozornosti v rubriki Iz zakulisja.

V naši tokratni nagradni igri vas čaka kratka majica.

29. 3. 2023

Todd La Torre, vokalist zasedbe Queensrÿche, predstavlja videospot za Apology, pesem s prihajajočega solo albuma z naslovom Rejoice in the Suffering. Album naj bi izšel 21. aprila pri založbi ROAR - Rock of Angels Records.

27. 3. 2023

Švedski simfonični metalci Eleine z videom za pesem We Are Legion napovedujejo svoj četrti dolgometražni album We Shall Remain, ki bo izšel 14. julija pri Atomic Fire Records. Tracklista:

Never Forget
Stand By The Flame
We Are Legion
Promise Of Apocalypse
Blood In Their Eyes
Through The Mist
War Das Alles
We Shall Remain

2. 3. 2023

Srbske thrash/speed metalke Jenner sporočajo, da se trenutno nahajajo v studiu Citadela Sound Production v Beogradu, kjer bodo začele snemati nov album, ki bo nasledil leta 2017 izdan prvenec To Live Is to Suffer.

23. 2. 2023

Ameriški blackened deathcorovci Ov Sulfur so objavili videospot za komad Befouler s prihajajočega albuma The Burden Ov Faith, ki bo izšel 24. marca pri Century Media in obsega naslednje naslove:

Stained In Rot
Befouler (ft. Alex Terrible)
Unraveling (ft. Left to Suffer/Taylor Barber)
Death Ov Circumstance
A Path to Salvation?
I, Apostate
Wide Open (ft. Light The Torch/Howard Jones)
The Inglorious Archetype
The Burden Ov Faith (ft. Bodysnatcher/Kyle Medina & Lindsay Schoolcraft)

17. 2. 2023

Kalifornijski atmosferični black metal band Other World je iz solo projekta lani prerasel v trio in kot prvi plod sodelovanja predstavlja single Of Death And Alteration, ki ga je prejšnji teden razkrila založba Debemur Morti Productions.

Christopherju A. (Suffering in Solitude, Black Salvation) sta se pridružila vokalist Stephen Parker (Maestus, ex-Pillorian) in basist Jacob Holland.

10. 6. 2024
Tool, Night Verses
Stadthalle, Dunaj, Avstrija
11. 6. 2024
Slaughter to Prevail
Media Center, Ljubljana
11. 6. 2024
Gala hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana
12. 6. 2024
Nebula, Modula Nation, Buss
Vintage Industrial Bar, Zagreb, Hrvaška
13. 6. 2024
Igorrr, Sanguisugabogg
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
13. 6. 2024
Avenged Sevenfold
Firenze Rocks